Patrolman Doorjamm
The Patrolman DoorJamm is a convenient tool for first responders to prevent doors and gates from closing behind them, giving your back up the chance to get to you no matter what.
* Now available in 2 designs! *
On an arrest attempt in a block of flats? Trade button does not allow access? Need to bring a violent prisoner out safely? Can't find something to prop the door open with? - This valuable tool is light, flexible, fits in almost any pocket, and deploys in seconds.
It is inexpensive and stretches to fit most types of doors latches and gates, regardless of whether it is has a mechanical or magnetic operated locking device.
Key features:
- 100% weatherproof Resistant to abrasion
- Stretches by over 200% its size & returns to size and shape after use
- Fits around almost any security door handle or shape If you can think of a way to hold open the door, the Doorjamm can probably do it.
- Size: 25cm x 7.5cm
Our whole team are Law Enforcement, all of us have previously used door wedges as part of our duty kit but they have inherent flaws- they fall out of your vest, they are bulky to carry and if the door you come across has some weight behind it, you're on your own.
We genuinely believe this piece of kit should be carried by all operational Law Enforcement Officers, it could save your life.